Passive In-Vitro Tests In Zoo/Wild Animals

Passive In-Vitro Tests In Zoo/Wild Animals

Pacific Northwest human immunodiagnostics laboratory Kent Laboratories, Inc. is a FDA registered facility situated between Vancouver, B.C. and Seattle, WA. One of the first commercial laboratories started in Washington state, they specialize in providing researchers and medical professionals with high tittered polyclonal antibodies at an economical price using antigens purified from normal serum.

Kent Laboratories produces antiserum which is solid phase adsorbed by affinity chromatography so that the final product has no soluble antigens known to sometimes interfere with sensitive testing procedures. The unique design of their RID (Radial Immunodiffusion) plates offers a simple, reliable and economical technique for the quantitation of human proteins in the clinical laboratory showing results between 18 and 48 hours.

The veterinary affiliate, Triple J Farms (registered with the USDA and NIH) is of special interest for in vitro testing in how their Sheep IgG RID Plate is cross reacting with the IgG of Giraffe, Rhinoceros, Bongo, Moose, Dall sheep, Bontebok, Elk and Mule Deer. Plans for more testing are in the works. Additionally, there is a need for building a standard from the specific species to give an accurate level of passive transfer. Blood will have to be collected from various animals before claims can be made but the preliminary findings are encouraging.

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